Tiinance Innovation

Pinterest Shop

Pinterest Catalog and Conversion API

We upload and organize product data to create shoppable ads for Pinterest users. We also setup conversion API to track users’ actions on your website.


What is Pinterest Shop?

Pinterest Shop lets businesses showcase products through shoppable Product Pins. Users can browse and purchase directly from your catalog without leaving Pinterest.

How do I set up a Pinterest Shop?
  •  Create a Pinterest business account. 
  •  Upload your product catalog via Pinterest Catalog or partner platforms (e.g., Shopify). 
  •  Enable shopping features in your account settings. 
What are the requirements to sell on Pinterest Shop?

– A business account in a supported region. 

– Compliance with Pinterest’s merchant guidelines. 

– A product catalog with accurate pricing, availability, and images. 

How do Product Pins work?

Product Pins display real-time pricing, availability, and direct checkout links. They appear in search results, feeds, and shopping-focused boards.

Can I track sales from Pinterest Shop?

Yes! Use the Pinterest Tag or Conversion API to track purchases, add-to-cart actions, and other conversions.

Are there fees for Pinterest Shop?

No fees for catalog uploads or Product Pins. You only pay if you run paid ads (e.g., Promoted Pins). 

Can I sell internationally?

Yes, if your business supports shipping to the target country and complies with local regulations. 

Contact Us for Premium Digital Services

We are available to handle your project and provide you with the best service. Our experts are waiting for your message.