website design for small business

In this digital era, a website simply indicates or equals to ‘A Strong Online Presence’’ or your ‘’Digital Resume’’. Back in the 90s, a business card was an indicator that you were in business, also direct store or business office visits by your customers were another way to show you were in business.

Consumers/customers are now adapting to the evolving technological development and advancement in this digital era. You are probably among those who still don’t see the need to own a website for that business of yours.  97% of people searched online to find a local business near them- Adaptive Marketing, in 2017 clearly stated.

Therefore, if you want to grow your business by being in front of the right audience, you need to be found online – implying you must have a website.

In some cases, an entrepreneur or business owner or organization is usually reluctant to own a website because it is commonly believed it is expensive and you have to be ‘’tech-savvy’’ before you can operate one. The amazing fact is you don’t even have to be a tech professional before you can use a website for your business. A website is also cost-effective & efficient because you get to earn double returns on the cost spent to build one.

Do you need a website for your business? A resounding YES is an answer! The importance of this article is to make you see the need and ensure you own a website for that business regardless of your industry.

webiste design


Many entrepreneurs or business owners always have the belief that since they are just getting started they necessarily don’t need a website. Others are making sales and maximizing enough profits, they thereby see no reason to own a website.

However, they are mistaken; having a website is crucial to your business. Here are some key reasons:

  1. Strong Visibility & Online Presence
  2. Boosts Credibility
  3. Saves Times
  4. Maximize ROI
  5. Organic traffic
Strong Visibility & Online Presence

Having a professionally built and functional website is the best place to make your business visible to the right audience. Whether you sell online or in a physical store, the first place your customers go to is the internet (in making their purchasing decisions); searching for the best products and services, seeking answers and solutions to their problems.

81% of shoppers usually conduct online research before purchasing something. Your website displays your products and other business-oriented information 24/7 every day for 365days in a year!

However, having an attractive and functional website allows you to use your business presence as an authority to launch successful digital campaigns.

Imagine the number of customers you must have lost without online visibility. Get started and make the right business decision by owning one.

Boosts your Business Credibility

In this 21st century, more than 80% of customers use their smartphones to discover a new product or business. Therefore, not having an online presence diminishes your business credibility. Invest in a professional website so that the world can take your business seriously.

Having a website will make customers trust and see your business as a legitimate one.

Almost 85% of people think a website makes a business look credible rather than having social media page presence alone. A website creates a first & strong impression and makes you stand out from other businesses. Customers always have the confidence to invest their money when they see your business as a credible one.

A website is your ‘’Digital Resume’’ or ‘’Digital Business Card’’ and your stepping stone into building a worthwhile relationship with your customers. It makes your business looks professional.

Saves you more Time

‘’Time is money’’ is a popular say in our society today. As you know, communicating with potential customers takes time and requires your total attention.

In place of sending out proposals, picking calls, or trading emails, building a professional website can provide fully detailed information (such as your business description, address, contact info, hours of operation, product description, prices, how to order, updates, and special offers, etc.) about your business to your customers.

With a website, your contents are always available to viewers at their convenience either during the day or night. Your customers are accessible to your business, yielding better customer service and relationships.

A website is like your receptionist and salesperson. It saves and provides you more time to attend to other important things. Instead of spending more hours on a phone call or chat, you can instruct your customers: ‘’kindly visit our website-(www.tiinance.com)- for the detailed info!’’

Maximize ROI

In this 21st century, using digital tools such as WordPress and Shopify are usually cost-effective but bring about a great return on investment. With a low budget, a professionally and functionally designed SEO website puts you in front of the right target audience by promoting your products and services.

It’s one of the best forms of business advertisement and should be your priority!

You get to influence the buying decisions after touching the heart of a wider range of your potential customers.

However, having a website grows and maintains a business success in the digital world today.

Organic Traffic

With a website, you can gather enough web traffic & audience when compared to radio, television, prints, and other forms of advertisement.

Another amazing secret is, with a SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZED website, your business website has the chance of showing up on Google search results when people search for related products or services offered by your business; thereby increasing your leads and giving you an upper edge ahead of your competitors.

With increased website traffic you get to influence your consumer’s journey, which typically begins with research, recommendations, and reviews. You like this right? You wouldn’t want your customers swaying to your competitors? Take action!


By now, you must have realized you can’t afford to have a website. The importance of having a professionally designed, functioning, and attractive website for your business cannot be overemphasized. Your customers are online as well as your competitors.

A website places you right in front of your target audience. Moreover, investing in one will bring about a huge return over the long run. Never underestimate the power of a well-designed website. It is a worthwhile investment for your business.


Stop procrastinating. Take that bold step today and see a huge turnaround in your business.


Want to grow your business today with a website? Tiinance is a digital agency that creates custom websites for businesses and entrepreneurs. Contact us today and allow us to create the perfect one for you!

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